Week 3 - Developing Course APIs

I left last week with the idea of implementing the next two calls. GET /api/students/[student_id]/courses GET /api/instructors/[instructor_id]/courses The former would retrive a list courses that a student is enrolled in and the latter would get the list of courses an instructor teaches…

Week 2 - Making the first API calls

After successfully creating the login and logout API calls, the next step was to create some basic API calls. The very first area that we decided to implement was courses. The following API calls were implemented. GET /api/courses/ GET /api/courses/[course_id] GET /api/courses?title=[title]&…

Week 1 - The coding starts

After completing a lot of discussions on what API calls we should have, we decided to go with four basic sets of API calls- courses for course related information, instructors for calls that instructors would use (to see the list of students for instance), students for calls that would be…

Discussions on the ATutor API - Community Bonding Period

It's been four weeks since the GSoC 2014 results were declared. I was selected by Inclusive Design Institute for developing a public API for their project, ATutor. I had worked with them last year in the GSoC too and my last year mentor, Alexey Novak, was going to mentor me…